Mistakes To Avoid When Raising Chickens
Never ever put new babies in with older hens. The big ones will always beat up the little ones and kill them. When you put chickens together they have to be the same size. Chickens don’t know age they just know size. In the winter when you’re feeding whole corn, make double triple sure you…
Grit For Chickens
Grit is very important for your chickens to have. It’s a must have. Chickens need grit to digest their food. If chickens don’t digest their food properly they’ll stop laying eggs. That’s how important grit is, if they’re missing grit it will stop your egg production. How grit works is the chicken eats it and…
How many chickens can I have?
If you want to raise chickens the organic way one of the most important things is to not over crowd your chicken coop. My coop is 10’ x 40’ and I only have 9 chickens in there. Since they have plenty of room they don’t get stressed from fighting with each other and they never…
Winterizing Your Chicken Coop
Becky shows you how to winterize a chicken coop. She starts by demolishing her old chicken coop and rebuilding it using corral boards. Corral boards are great because they’re pressure treated for the outdoors and they’re pretty affordable. The whole idea to winterizing your chicken coop is to protect your chicken from the wind, rain,…
What do baby chickens eat?
Becky shows you what baby chickens eat. She starts with ground corn, which is also called chick starter. Then she shows you crimped oats which are for when the baby chickens get a little bigger. And last she shows you alfalfa hay which is good for chickens at any age. If you want to get…
Raising Chickens For Eggs
Becky shows you everything so you’ll know how to raise chickens for eggs. She starts by talking about how important it is to remove all stress from your chickens. Then she tells you what she feeds her chickens so they lay eggs all year long. Finally Becky shows you the nesting boxes and talks about…
Bedding for baby chicks
Becky answers a question from Reva about what’s the best bedding for baby chicks. Becky talks about hay, newspaper, and wood shavings or wood chips. She talks about the good and bad about each one and tells you what she chooses to use for chicken bedding.
What To Feed Chickens
Becky shows you what she feeds her chickens so they lay eggs all year long.
How to Clip Chicken Wings
Becky shows you how to clip chicken wings safely and effectively.
3 Different Chicken Breeds That Make The Best Laying Hens
Becky shows you 3 chicken breeds that she recommends.