Are your chickens not laying eggs? Here’s what you can do about it.
Why are my chickens not laying eggs? It can be a very frustrating question. In this video Becky shows you how she dealt with some issues in her chicken coop that were hurting egg production. She also shows you some other things you can look out for that might stop your hens from laying.
How to Order Chickens Online
Becky talks about how she ordered chickens online from Meyer Hatchery.
Chicken Coop Designs
Becky gives you a tour of the chicken coops on her homestead. She gives you some ideas for the different chicken coop designs you can have.
Chicken Ordinances. Can I have chickens in my backyard?
Learn how to find out if keeping chickens is legal where you live. Becky tells you who to call and what to say.
Keeping Your Chickens Happy and Healthy Through The Dog Days of Summer
When summer is about halfway through my friends start asking me if my hens are still laying eggs. My answer is always yes. My hens lay eggs all year very steady. Then I ask them, why do you ask? They say theirs quit and it must be because it’s too hot, but the temperature is…
How to Care For Baby Chicks
Learn how to take care of chicky babies.
What Is A Pullet
Pullet? Cockerels? Straight Run???? Becky explains what it all means.
Buff Orpington Hens
Buff Orpington hens are one of my favorite chicken breeds, here’s why…
Chicken Nesting Box Plans
There are a lot of different chicken nesting box plans out there. Here’s why I think mine’s the best…
Barred Rock Chicken Eggs
I just love the Barred Rock breed. They are so sweet and gentle, and quiet. If you live close to other people and need a quiet, easy going chicken for some fresh eggs, you should consider Barred Rocks. They lay light brown eggs. They are on the small side, so they are easy to handle.…