Chicken Ordinances. Can I have chickens in my backyard?

Can I have chickens in my backyard? That’s a question you might want to answer before you spend money building a coop and buying chickens. A quick call to your zoning and planning office will let you ask them if you’re allowed to have chickens where you live.

When you call have your tax bill handy in case they need your legal address instead of your mailing address. Your legal address will be something like, ‘lot # this and that’ or ‘plot # this and that’. The people at the zoning and planning office will be able to tell you what, if any, Chicken Ordinances apply to you.

To get the phone number for your zoning or planning office:

If you live inside city limits you need to call your city zoning & planning office and your county zoning & planning office.

If you don’t live inside city limits just call your county zoning & planning office.

To find their phone numbers type your city or county into Google along with “zoning office” or “planning office”. If that doesn’t work call your town hall or court house and start asking.