Pig Farming Questions Answered
After my last video where I showed you how I went and bought a hog to raise for meat I got a lot of questions. In this video I answer 4 of the questions I got the most. How much did I pay for the baby hog? How big will this pig get? Why don’t…
Homemade Coffee Table
Becky shows you how she is building a homemade coffee table out of a big wood log. This coffee table is long and narrow so everyone sitting on the couch will have some table in front of them. She starts by sanding the log with medium grit sand paper. Then she notches out the spot…
Minecraft Soap Recipe
This is a fun soap recipe to make for someone who loves playing Minecraft. Recipe 24.25 oz Distilled Water 9.7 oz Lye 54 oz Coconut Oil Supplies [one_third] [/one_third] [one_third] [/one_third] [one_third_last] [/one_third_last] See even more tools and supplies here.
How to Start A Homestead
How do you know if you’re homesteader? A lot of people are considering a change to a homesteading lifestyle. It has a lot of appeal, it’s a greener lifestyle, if done right it’s simpler and more stress free. Leaving more time to relax and spend time with the people you love. It’s exciting to learn…
What do baby chickens eat?
Becky shows you what baby chickens eat. She starts with ground corn, which is also called chick starter. Then she shows you crimped oats which are for when the baby chickens get a little bigger. And last she shows you alfalfa hay which is good for chickens at any age. If you want to get…
Planting Zucchini
Becky plants some baby zucchini that she started indoors out in her homestead garden.
Raising Chickens For Eggs
Becky shows you everything so you’ll know how to raise chickens for eggs. She starts by talking about how important it is to remove all stress from your chickens. Then she tells you what she feeds her chickens so they lay eggs all year long. Finally Becky shows you the nesting boxes and talks about…
Becky’s Small Garden Layout
Becky shows you a tour of her small garden. This year she’s growing onions, roma tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, cucumber, squash, eggplant, and blueberries. She talks about how she fertilizes and keeps out ants. And she also chases Neil the pig out of the garden.