3 Different Chicken Breeds That Make The Best Laying Hens
Becky shows you 3 chicken breeds that she recommends.
Growing Vegetables From Heirloom Seed
Becky shows you how she plants heirloom seeds in her raised bed garden so she can grow her own organic food.
Preparing the soil for my heirloom seed garden.
In this homesteading video Becky talks about how to build raised garden beds with cement. Then she shows you how she prepares the soil for her heirloom seeds.
Growing Vegetables in Winter: Brussel Sprouts & Broccoli
What to plant in a winter garden? Two plants that grow in winter are broccoli and brussel sprouts. In this video Becky shows you how she plants them in her raised garden beds.
Are your chickens not laying eggs? Here’s what you can do about it.
Why are my chickens not laying eggs? It can be a very frustrating question. In this video Becky shows you how she dealt with some issues in her chicken coop that were hurting egg production. She also shows you some other things you can look out for that might stop your hens from laying.
How a 42 Yr Old Woman Built Her Own Log Cabin & Started Homesteading
In this video Becky shows you how a 42 year old women can sell everything, escape the rat race suburbs, build her own log cabin, and start living the debt free homesteading lifestyle.
How to Change a Wick in a Kerosene Heater
Protect your family from the risk of carbon monoxide buildup by changing the wick in your kerosene heater. It’s really easy and Becky shows you how in this video.
How to Raise Pigs For Meat
Becky gives you ideas on how to raise pigs for meat. She gives you a tour of her pig pen, shows you how she gets it ready, then Becky visits a local pig farmer to pick up her two new baby pigs.
Chicken Coop Designs
Becky gives you a tour of the chicken coops on her homestead. She gives you some ideas for the different chicken coop designs you can have.