Becky’s Country Bumpkin Brownies Recipe
I LOVE brownies. Here’s my recipe for brownies that are pretty easy to make.
My Goats Come Home
I decided to take my dairy goats to a breeder for their maden voyage. I don’t have a buck and am not sure I want to keep one on the homestead. For now I like to use a breeder. I want to concentrate on milk production rather then becoming a breeder. I bartered the baby…
Why I love mules
I just have to give you an update on my new mule Charlie. Charlie is our first mule and we want him for ridding. We have Doodle’s our donkey for driving, and LOVE him!!We like to trail ride with friends and family so I needed a brave, calm mount. For me brave is the most…
Raising Hampshire Pigs For Meat — Before & After
I have raised both Yorkshires and Hampshires and I like the Hampshires the best. How much did the butcher charge? $117.00 for everything. Slaughtering, custom cut and wrap, smoking, and making the sausage.
Horse Hoof Anatomy: Parts Of The Hoof
When you look at the bottom of the hoof you’ll see the frog down the middle, surrounded by the sole. My ponies’ feet are like Memphis, they have a lot of sole. The outside is covered by the hoof wall. Around the sole there is a thin line, that thin line separates the sole from…
What is homesteading?
Homesteading means being just a bit more self sufficient, being aware of what you consume, and making things yourself. Homesteading is a lifestyle not a location. You can be a homesteader even in the city.
How to Train a Donkey To Pull a Cart
In this video Becky shows you exactly how to hook a donkey up to a cart.
Farmer Eaten by Pigs: Can a pig eat a human?
Will pigs attack and eat a person? How dangerous are pigs? This is Neal, he’s our pot belly pig. He’s full grown, this is as big as he gets. Neal is very people friendly, he loves when you scratch his belly, and the only thing this pig poses a danger to is a bag of…