Avoid The Big House Trap, How A Small House Means More Freedom and Less Stress
Today I would like to talk about living in a small house, 800 square feet. The absolute truth is, the reason we ended up in our small cabin is mostly because of money. Not that that is a bad thing. After all we were trying to lower debt and scale back on our cost of…
Donkey Driving Harness: How to Put it Together
If you just bought a driving harness for your horse, donkey, or mule, and you don’t know what all the parts & pieces are this video is for you.
Homemade Laundry Soap Recipe
If you want to make homemade liquid laundry soap this homesteading video is for you.
Goat Massage
As seen on Cutiesnfuzzies.com – Funny Animal Videos
Thank You For All The Emails
I want to thank everyone for all the nice emails. I just love to hear from everyone, especially the younger people who plan on becoming homesteaders after school. I think that is such a good choice and I don’t think you will ever be sorry. I know I’m not. I have been busy here on…
What Do Chickens Eat?
#213 In this episode Becky shows you what to feed chickens so you get plenty of farm fresh eggs. Raising chickens in your backyard is really easy if you know a few simple things about how to keep your hens fat and happy.
Donkey Cart Training
In this episode Becky shows you how to harness up a donkey or horse, she talks about all the parts of a harness, and then shows you how to teach a donkey or horse how to drive and pull a cart. #212
Will chickens eat my garden?
A lot of people work on keeping chickens out of the garden. I’m going to show you how chickens and gardens can work together. Gardening with Chickens I’m assuming you have a backyard vegetable garden and you want to start raising backyard chickens. Or you already have both, but want to know how to make…