• Make a Cake That’s ACTUALLY Good For Your DIET

    Make a Cake That’s ACTUALLY Good For Your DIET

    This healthy dessert recipe is perfect for your diet. Becky shows you her banana cake recipe. This easy dessert recipe is great for your diet because it uses whole food ingredients that are high quality and this diet cake recipe is also low in sugar.


  • How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

    How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

    You want to start a flock for farm fresh eggs but there’s so many different chicken breeds you’re overwhelmed and don’t know which ones to choose. Today I’m going to help you choose some hardy, friendly, good egg layers. How often do chickens lay eggs? A good solid egg layer breed will give you 4-5…


  • 7 Things Every New Homestead Needs

    7 Things Every New Homestead Needs

    You’re so excited you’re finally moving to your homestead, but where do you start? You don’t want to bite off more than you can chew cuz then you’re in the same old rat race just in a new location. Today I’m going share with you 7 things that could get you off to a good…


  • How to Keep Your Baby Chickens Alive

    How to Keep Your Baby Chickens Alive

    You come home with a box of cute baby chickens. Everyone loves them, oh my gosh they’re so adorable, everyone wants to see them and hold them, it’s a big deal. Then one dies and your kids are crying, what went wrong? And you feel so sad and helpless and you’re like, “what did I…


  • How To Start Beekeeping Without A Beehive

    How To Start Beekeeping Without A Beehive

    Native bees are pollinators that practically nobody hears about, honey bees get all the attention. Surprisingly there’s over 4,000 kinds of native bees and we want to help them and appreciate them. Some of these bees are small and more delicate than the big honey bee. That’s why I don’t use any garden pesticides, because…


  • How To Quit Your Job & Retire Early

    How To Quit Your Job & Retire Early

    See my favorite books here. You start out in life at a very young age by going to college and getting a student loan. 50k, 100k, 200k or more! Then when you graduate you have to get a job you hate because the payments start being due. Next comes the big house with the even…


  • DIY Herb Garden In A Decorated Flower Pot

    DIY Herb Garden In A Decorated Flower Pot

    Becky shows you how to decorate a flower pot then use it as a fun little herb garden. This is a great idea for you to get started gardening and it also makes a great gift.


  • Pony Now

    Pony Now

    Introducing Pony Now. You can order a mattress online, a sofa, even a spouse. And now you can order a pony! Pony Now is the fastest easiest way to have a pony delivered right to your front door. Once you order your pony from our easy to use website it will arrive at your front…


  • The Best Oven Dishes For Your Homestead Kitchen

    The Best Oven Dishes For Your Homestead Kitchen

    Becky shows you the best oven dishes for your homestead. You want to cook at home but there’s so many pots and pans to choose from it makes your head spin. How many times have you seen someones kitchen cluttered beyond belief with million different pieces of cookware and gadgets. In this homesteading video Becky…


  • DIY Rain Barrel

    DIY Rain Barrel

    Becky shows you how to make a rain barrel.


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