Slow and steady is a good thing. We all know who won the race, Tortoise. He felt good when he got there because he had a nap on the way. That’s how I want to live my life.

Getting things accomplished while I feel good, and enjoying the journey along the way. You all know I want to raise as much of my own food as I can. That takes some doing. I put the posts in the ground last year for my multiple purpose meat pen. I made it 16×16. I figure I can raise meat chickens in the spring and a hog in the fall. Well, I just bought the hog panels to finish the pen. I am building a really good pen that will last years so I don’t have to worry about it. This will be the first time I raise meat chickens.

Stay tuned to to see how it goes. In about a year I hope to get a dairy goat for milk and cheese. YUM